Academic Preparation

At Boston College, 学前健康项目团队作为一个有凝聚力的咨询单位,在每年的投资组合开发期间与学生和校友密切合作,帮助创建职业叙述. Pre-Health students at Boston College have a number of individuals from whom they can seek advice. The Director and Assistant Directors of the program as well as members of our Pre-Health Committee, 它是由来自不同学术部门的教员组成的, 是否都可以单独与学生见面.

Group meetings are also held for first-year students, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and alumni. During these meetings, students are updated regarding current admissions trends and appropriate advising packets (e.g., Freshman Packet or Sophomore Packet).

Required & Recommended Courses

除了化学和有机化学之外,你可以在任何一年以任何顺序参加健康预科课程的要求. 大多数学生将课程分成四年,然后以大四学生或校友的身份申请专业学院或电子游戏正规平台生院. 从BC大学毕业后直接进入专业或电子游戏正规平台生院学习, 你必须在三年内修完必修课程并参加MCAT考试. Keep in mind some schools require specific course work beyond these basic requirements. 我们建议电子游戏正规平台一下你感兴趣的学校,看看他们的必修课程. 要查看对抗疗法医学院的先决条件课程,请查看AAMC澳门特别行政区先决条件课程报告. 

Suggested Curriculum for Pre-Health Students

  • Two semesters of biology with lab
  • Two semesters of general chemistry with lab
  • 两个学期的有机化学和/或一个学期的有机化学和一个学期的生物化学
  • 两个学期的物理实验(基于代数的物理可以根据专业要求接受)
  • Two semesters of English
  • Two semesters of math (strongly recommended)
Course #Course Title
BIOL2000Molecules and Cells (Required)
Any course above Biol 2000*2nd Biology Course Requirement
BIOL2040Investigations in Molecular Cell Bio Lab **
(1 semester/3 credits; fall or spring)

Any other Biology course above BIOL2000. 例如:生理学导论、生态学和进化、遗传学、细胞生物学. 请注意,分子和细胞是高级生物学课程的先决条件. Additionally, MCAT和DAT包含一个关于生态学和进化的问题子集, 所以你们应该学习MCAT或DAT标准化备考材料中关于生态和进化的部分. 

** 生物/生物化学专业的学生将在大二参加生物实验, 所有其他专业的学生在大三都要上生物实验课. 

Academic Advising

在卫生专业工作有很多途径, 你在BC的目标应该是探索和发展你的学术兴趣和相关经验. 考虑一个与你的激情和你擅长的领域相一致的专业,以确保你有良好的表现.

健康预科的学生在考虑一个项目专业时,被鼓励去思考frj提出的“三个关键问题”. 电子游戏软件神学教授迈克尔·海姆斯:

  • What brings me joy?
  • What am I good at?
  • Who does the world need me to be?

Welcome to Boston College. 健康前工作人员致力于为您提供指导和资源,帮助您追求健康专业的职业生涯. We encourage you to meet with Pre-Health Advisors throughout your undergraduate career.

Know Your Overall and Science GPAs

Medical, 牙科和兽医学院有自己的集中申请服务,将根据他们的计算计算你的整体和科学GPA. 为了帮助你评估你的竞争力,你可以在Agora的“我的服务”和“课程历史”中找到你的BC计算科学GPA。.


  • Allopathic/M.D. 3.64 Consult: MSAR Online (subscription required)
  • Osteopathic/D.O. 3.参考:骨科医学院信息手册
  • Dental 3.参考:ADEA牙科学校官方指南*
  • Veterinary 3.参考:兽医学院电子游戏软件要求*

*You can access the books at O'Neill Library or Ebooks by looking up the course by the ID BIOL1000.01 at Course Reserves

Read The Sophomore Packet


Complete a Self-Assessment Form

After completing this self-assessment, 我们鼓励你预约健康前顾问.

Self-Assessment Form

对于那些目前正在进入申请过程的人, all information, steps, advice, and resources can be found on our Preparing for Health Professions Graduate School page.

Preparing for Health Professions Graduate School

卫生专业电子游戏正规平台生院对先修课程的态度各不相同. The following are general guidelines, 但鼓励学生联系个别学校,以澄清具体机构的政策.


授予在一门科学(生物学)中获得先修课程的学生, chemistry, physics), 大多数卫生专业电子游戏正规平台生院将接受这一点,只要学生在该学科的更高水平上学习了相同数量的课程(和实验). 请记住,预健康要求可能与专业要求一致,也可能不一致.

利用大学先修课程的机会有利有弊. On the plus side, it allows the student to get more quickly involved in intellectually challenging upper level courses. 消极的一面是,大一通常是一个重要的适应期. This, combined with the highly competitive nature of health professions graduate school admissions, 可能会在大一的时候为精心的课程规划而争论吗. Below are some guidelines for the subjects in which advanced placement is commonly awarded.

University Advanced Placement Guidelines

电子游戏软件的学前健康委员会认为,出国留学对于选定的本科生来说是一种非常积极和丰富的经历. There are, however, 在学生做出是否出国留学的最终决定之前,有几个因素应该考虑进去. 健康前委员会强烈建议你的累积平均值(科学和整体)在有竞争力的范围内.g., 3.5–3.6 for medical school) before you study abroad.

If you are a pre-health student thinking about studying abroad, it is best to start planning early. 我们建议您在大一的春季学期或大二的秋季学期与健康前顾问会面.

Though most health professions graduate schools accept science courses taken during summer school, 大多数人强烈希望你的大部分科学课程在学年期间在你的家乡机构学习. 夏季科学课程应保持在最低限度.g., not more than one two-semester core science course during your undergraduate career).

卫生专业电子游戏正规平台生院招生委员会通常希望在四年制大学里修一门暑期科学课程, 最好是和电子游戏软件一样的学院或大学. 有些机构不接受社区大学的课程.